Friday, November 27, 2009

Cafe World is the rage of Facebook....

If you haven't heard about
Cafe World yet, then you are living under a rock! This social media game is all the rage on Facebook.

Now, if you are like me...a mom of five, full-time job, cook, clean, grocery shop, etc. All the things that families do day in and day out, then you may not have heard of Cafe World. I haven't until seven days ago. I have had a Facebook account for about two years now and like most people, I simple used it to check for long lost schoolmates or friends. You might even get me to 'write' on my wall on a good day! But who has time for all that...I barely check my email after a long day at work.

Well, as chance would have it, one of my very good friends wrote on my wall about joining her on Cafe World. What? Cafe World? What is that all about? First I thought, I don't have time to play a game online, but then she called me on the phone and started telling me about the game. OMG!!! Why did she do that? My competitive inner self woke up. She 'dared me to play' and promised that I would become addicted. I was up to the challenge.

So seven days ago I began my addiction and love with Cafe World. Right now, I am sitting at Level 17 and I have passed many of my friends who have been playing for weeks! How did I do this, you ask? Well, hence the point of this blog! I want to share the "secrets" I have acquired and used to play Cafe World and get through the levels quickly and with ease! I also started this blog so that others can share their experiences on Cafe World.

First, let me tell you that I have not used any cheats or hacks. (not my style) I have simply played the game. Second, I have not been tied to the computer for countless hours while watching my food cook to make sure it doesn't spoil. There's a system for cooking and walking away from the computer. If you are playing Cafe World and need help, then you will find it here!

So, spread the word, that this is the blog to get the inside scoop for playing the game "Cafe World"! Together we can all share and have some fun along the way.